One of my pet peeves is errors and inconsistencies in business
documentation. Be it advertising materials, internal
communications, general correspondence, formal policies, or
even legal documents; mistakes can have an enormous negative
influence over your customers, your employees, your
competitors, your potential business partners... the list goes on.

One of my recent long-term collaborations was with a senior
consultant to a large, multi-national corporation and involved
proofreading and copyediting of an assortment of documents
utilised in multi-million dollar negotiations relating to operations
in Australia, Europe and Indonesia. In addition to general
proofreading and copyediting, this involved major corrections to
formatting and style features within hundreds of Microsoft Word
and Microsoft Excel files.

Documents that have passed through many hands and have been saved and emailed time and time again are typically full of
inconsistencies and corrupted formatting. I have witnessed first-hand an unfortunate tendency amongst employees to work with blinkers
on, doing the bare minimum to get a specified task done with no regard to how this 'fits in' with everything else. Asking an employee to
"Add a paragraph to that document we wrote last month so we can send it out to customers" can deliver disastrous results. I've seen it
too many times and just shake my head. (Thank goodness I took the leap to establish EEEP Services... I'm able to sate my OCD-like
compulsion to 'fix' it on a daily basis!)

EEEP Services can provide the solution to ensure that your documentation is not only technically correct with respect to spelling,
grammar, tense, and punctuation, but is also consistent with your company's general standards and style to ensure that the image you
are presenting is that of a cohesive, professional firm.

You are welcome to contract EEEP Services to simply review and correct documentation prepared in-house, or outsource the entire
documentation/paperwork process. I am proud that my clients consider me a valued business partner and a Confidentiality Agreement
provides you with peace-of-mind that your confidential business information remains private.
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